Uzalo has announced the departure of seasoned actor Jet Novuka whose joining of the cast last year brought major buzz. According to Phil Mphela’s Entertainment Alert, the actor who plays Captain Yamkela Mpambani, a fierce and no-nonsense taking cop. has been written off, as Uzalo continues to take extreme measures to ensure that it delivers an impeccable storyline to the viewers.
TV: Veteran actor is being dropped by #Uzalo #TheEntertainmentAlert ☕️
— Kgopolo Mphela ☕️ (@PhilMphela) March 1, 2021
The show has been shaking things up with new characters joining the show and others exiting lately. Shauwn Mukhize is the latest addition to the show making her debut appearance on the 4th of March. It was also recently reported that former Uzalo actors including Khaya Dladla, TK Dlamini, Nay Maps, as well as Nokuthula Mabika, will be making their big return this year.
“I’m not sure when I’m going to appear on TV, but we have agreed to come back to Uzalo. I’m preparing to be on set soon,” Khaya commented on this.
Recently the SABC 1 announced a 3-year agreement with the famed Stained Glass production. It is the first time that such a long-term arrangement has been put in place and it represents an unequivocal vote of confidence the channel places in Mzansi’s best-performing soapie by far.
This year Baby Cele also left the show, Siyabonga Shibe who plays Qhabanga is exiting Uzalo. He recently posted a very cryptic message on Instagram,
“I Am excited about the future and to go back to my family. They are waiting for my arrival after a 4-year journey. I miss being at my house and do house chores taking care of my woman and son, and rest for few days. Then back at it after. The future is bright.”