Khanyi Mbau: Before and After Cosmetic Surgery

[tps_footer]Khanyi has a long history with cosmetic surgery, and even documented her 2017 procedure for her lifestyle show, The Scoop.
Among the procedures she has undergone include liposuction, waist reduction and breast enhancement.
Most visibly, she has done a lot of skin lightening, once admitting that 90% of her complexion is cosmetic. She says that her monthly bill to maintain that colour alone is R10,000 a month.
She has denied bleaching her skin, explaining that what she does is lightening, of which she admits to using an overdose of products.
“People that bleach their skin have brown spots. And their skin tends to go orange. People who are lightening their skins using gallons and overdose on skin whitening products glutathione, have skin like mine. It tends to go pinkish. Lightish. Close to an albino colour. It’s not supposed to go an albino colour, but mine does because I tend to overdo everything in life.”
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