SANDF Team off To Mozambique To Investigate Border Shooting

SANDF MozambiqueA team from the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) has departed the country for Mozambique, to probe an incident in which two Mozambique border police officers were killed.

SANDF spokesperson Brigadier General Mafi Mgoboz, the probe team left on Wednesday.

The shooting which took place last week, involved SANDF soldiers and Mozambican border police officers on the border near Ndumo, KwaZulu-Natal.

“Our soldiers were conducting a routine patrol as part of borderline protection when the incident occurred,” Mgobozi said in a statement.

A team had earlier been dispatched to KZN, and they returned with a preliminary report. It was then decided that another team needed to be sent to probe the matter further from the Mozambique side.

“We sent a team, the team came back and reported. They confirmed that there was an incident that happened.”

In the incident, no South African soldiers were injured or killed.

It is unclear whether the shooting took place on South African or Mozambican soil, but Mgobozi believes it happened on “no man’s land”.

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