On Tuesday, the ANC fraternity was saddened by passing of one of its veteran Achmat Semaar. Through their acting national spokesman Dakota Legoete, the party expressed their sadness following the death of comrade Semaar: “Comrade Semaar, 72, was distinguished as a cadre of the movement who dedicated his entire life to the struggle of the people,”
“He joined the struggle at an early age and was active in various structures of the ANC underground, Mass Democratic Movement and the United Democratic Front.”

The ANC stated that Semaar was a committed leader whose core activity was to unite South Africans and building a non-racial country. His commitment was within the Mitchells Plain Community in the Western Cape.

“This is a giant who never, at any stage, compromised the principles and ideals of the Mass Democratic Movement.”

The ANC in the Western Cape added that Semaar, who was a father of 6 children and a grandfather to 14, was an activist for most of his life and he never stopped fighting for the ordinary people of South Africa.

His daughter Karima Brown, who is a journalist and a broadcaster, also praised her late father as a committed activist in his life. “My father was an activist all his life. He was always involved with ordinary people. He was a father to many and was incredible. If he did not work for the ANC he would have died.”

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The ANC said that Semaar was indeed a dedicated and selfless servant who choose to serve the people of Soth Africa and many would attest his service and contribution to the community.

“He embodied the values and principles of the ANC.”

Legoete added that Semaar left a strong legacy, dedication, commitment, integrity, and the highest leadership sanction.

“We will miss his good humour and constant readiness to get down to work. He braved death and sacrificed the comfort of family life in pursuit of the freedom of all South Africans. Cde Semaar served as a Provincial Constituency Office Administrator in Mitchell’s Plain.”

We remain indebted to Semaar’s dedication to serving the people of South Africa for his entire life, the ANC added.

“Never a populist, no one could challenge his record of revolutionary thought, discipline and, most importantly, consistent action.”

ANC Western Cape secretary Faiez Jacobs said: “Achmat Semaar was a giant in Mitchells Plain. He made an impact on so many lives and was a father to hundreds of young people who were persecuted, arrested, tortured or hunted by the apartheid state. In the time known as the Struggle, he was a beacon of light, a voice that comforted and brought help. He made it his business to care for detainees and their families and made sure that they were not forgotten. Truly he was one of our greatest sons.”

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