The Essentials, a documentary created by Dirk Smit is set to premiere on December 6th on SABC at 19:30. The documentary follows South Africans during the lockdown and tells the stories of how ordinary South Africans dealt with the socie- economic effects of Covid- 19.

The documentary takes a keen interest in the needy and vulnerable. Dirk visits low cost housing areas and townships to investigate how they dealt with the Covid-19 recession.

SABC released a statement on December 1st regarding the documentary.

“The coronavirus pandemic has had devastating effects on humanity across the globe, but it didn’t stop people to stand up and unite against an invisible enemy. Follow filmmaker, Dirk Smit’s journey as he discovers glimmers of hope, creativity and resilience in South African people,” the statement reads.

The Essentials

The Essentials

The Covid-19 pandemic has negatively affected economies around the world, with even first world countries struggling to ensure their citizens stay employed and have a source of income. African countries have especially been affected by the pandemic, with there being inadequate assistance from their governments.

South Africans have experienced job losses and high Covid-19 infection rates.

The lockdown has seen low income South Africans have to decide between obeying the set guidelines and sleeping on an empty stomach.

This documentary seeks to explore these issues, focusing on the providence of social amenities such as health facilities and basic needs to the vulnerable during the lockdown.